Monday, February 4, 2008

Getting to know

just received 2008's verions of those familiar "get to know you" emails. i was more revealing and honest in this 'get to know you' email than ever before I think.. thought I'd post my answers here:

1. What is your occupation: business analyst for IT team @ FedEx (also known as 'momma' - the whole team is boys and i find myself getting on to them like i do my boys at home)
2. What color are your socks right now: no socks - in bed - don't wear socks to bed, my toenails are freshly painted red though!
3. What are you listening to right now: Reno 911 on Comedy Central
4. What was the last thing you ate: cheeseburgers (skillet fried like my daddy makes 'em)
5. Can you drive stick shift: Yes, it's so much fun!
6. Who is the last person you talked to on the phone: My momma - we were so happy about Eli Manning winning the superbowl!!
7. Do you like the person who sent this to you: of course i do, i love him, my sweet daddy
8. How old are you: 30
9. What's your favorite soda: Coke!!!
10. What's your favorite sport: college football
11. Have you ever dyed your hair: all the time - highlights
12. Do you have any pets: Yes, love them but if anyone wants to adopt them.... call me :-)
14. What's the last movie you've seen: "Juno", cried like a baby, basically story of my teen years (pregnant 15 year old)
15. What's your favorite day of the week? Saturday, all day to spend with my boys or if they're not around, all day to do girlie stuff - shop, get my hair or nails done, go to a movie
16. How do you prevent anger? prevent...that's an ingenious concept; i control it by stepping away from the situation for a moment, taking a deep breath and counting to 10
17. What was your favorite toy when you were little? probably barbies, i had so many (thanks mom and dad!) that my favorite probably changed all the time
18. What's your favorite season: summer - at the beach or lake
19. Hugs or Kisses: kisses (chocolate ones are good too)
20. Cherries or Blueberries:no thank you
21. Will your friends e-mail you back: some of them
22. Who's most likely to respond: rebecca
23. Who's least likely to respond: momma
24. Current living arrangement: me and my 3 boys, a dog and a cat, in the same 1500 sq ft house i've had for 7 years
25. When was the last time you cried: in the hospital last week, after my 5th IV line, missing my kids and scared
26. What's on the floor of your closet: shoes, purses, maybe a shirt that fell off the hanger
27. Who is the friend that you've known longest: Mary Clay
28. What did you do last night? put the boys to bed, read some friends' blogs, watched some tv, crashed
29. Favorite smells: Bacon cooking in the morning, Gain detergent, coconut suntan oil on the beach
30. Who inspires you:
Austin inspires me to accept everyone
Chase inspires me to break the rules
Sam inspires me to just be me and have fun
my friends inspire me to be loyal and trusting
my momma inspires me to be strong and independent
my daddy inspires me to hug my babies as much as possible and to always tell people how I feel about them before it's too late
my grandmothers inspired me to be patient and kind
my grandfathers inspired me to be proud of who I am and of my family
31. Who were you afraid of as a little kid: at night - my dolls and my tv (thanks to Poltergiest and Chucky)
32. Do you prefer plain, cheese, or spicy hamburger: Cheese and plain (that's meat cheese and bread only)
33. Favorite dog breed: don't really care, lab i guess
34. How many states have you lived in: two
35. Favorite Holiday : used to be Christmas, not sure now, maybe Labor Day, have enjoyed camping the last few years and that's a great long weekend
36. Most missed memory: weekends at Grandmama's house with my cousin Ruthie
37. Favorite Store: clothes - White House Black Market & this great little boutique I go to when I visit my mom in Key Biscayne; house stuff - pottery barn outlet; other - Target
38. Whom do you miss right now: um.. shouldn't say who :-)
39. When was the last time you slipped on ice? ice..don't remember but probably the last time Memphis had ice - i'm pretty clumsy - if a piece of ice fell on my kitchen floor, i would slip on it
40. If you could be a cartoon character, who would you be and why? Smurfett (see #1)41. What's one of the best feelings you've had?
i can't stop at just one...
holding each of my sons for the first time
the first hug from each of my sons
watching Grandmama give Austin his first bath (she gave me my first bath)
hearing momma's cancer was gone
being able to hold Mama Barber (my grandmother) through her grieving the loss of my grandfather
believe it or not, holding Grandmama's hand the moment she left this earth (i knew she knew how loved she was)

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